Andrew Lukov
Andrew has served as the principal of Southwark School since 2013. Under his leadership, Southwark School achieved an increase of 16.5% in the percentage of students at Proficient/Advanced levels on the English Language Arts (ELA) Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) and a 12.2% increase in Math PSSA. Southwark School achieved three consecutive years of improvement on the Overall School Progress Report (SPR) and was designated as a Model School for Climate in 2017 and in 2018.
Andrew has been an educator since 1999. Prior to becoming a principal, Andrew served as an English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher, ESOL manager and high school assistant principal. Andrew graduated, with distinction as a Principal Fellow, from RELAY’s National Principals Academy Fellowship and in 2017, Andrew received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Principal Leadership. In 2019-2020, Andrew was a participant in the Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders Aspiring Assistant Superintendent Academy. Andrew grew up in Philadelphia, PA.