Bahir Hayes

Principal, William C. Bryant School
School District of Philadelphia
2024 Neubauer Fellow
Grade Level
K - 8th
Student Enrollment
School/Org Neighborhood
West Philly
B.S. in Elementary Education, Bloomsburg University
I serve as a Principal to provide students in an urban neighborhood school the same experience that they would in high-income areas. I became a Neubauer fellow because I want to continue to grow as a leader in education by developing high-leverage practices, and learning how to improve on my sustainable leadership while remaining authentic.

Bahir Hayes has served as Principal of William C. Bryant Elementary School since 2019. Under his leadership, attendance metrics have grown. Bryant has moved from the bottom 3 to 1st in Acceleration Network schools with 75.7% of students attending 90% of school days, which is a 31.5% increase from EOY 2023. On the PSSA, the students scoring Below Basic has decreased by 14.2% in Reading, 13.9% in Math, and 10% in Science from 21-22 SY to 22-23 SY. Proficiency on the PSSA has increased by 2.7% in Reading, 1.7% in Math, and 5.0% in Science from 21-22 SY to 22-23 SY. Bryant has heavily invested in Chipper Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) incentives, including a student lounge – “The Bear Den,” a school store, and free field trips for all students. This has had an immensely positive impact on Bryant’s school climate and resulted in 0 suspensions in the 2023-2024 school year.

Bahir has served students for 18 years, as a camp counselor with education works and a lifeguard for 6 years where he taught inner-city students to swim. He has formally worked as a professional educator for 13 years as a teacher, teacher-leader, Master Teacher, grade team lead, Cultural Context Facilitator, Assistant Principal, and Principal. Most recently, Bahir sat on the Principal Selection Committee, Pathway to Leadership Selection Committee, and Superintendent’s Advisory Council.

He prioritizes community engagement and the active participation of Black Male figures in schools, hosting events with over 300 Black Males for a “Breakfast With Dads.” Additionally, he has organized three Annual Black Excellence Career Fairs where over 30 Black Leaders from various professions speak to and inspire the Bryant students.

He is one of seven named for the 2023 Lindback Award for Distinguished Principals. In receiving this award, the Lindback Foundation awarded his school community $20,000 which will be used for PBIS student initiatives.

Bahir Hayes is a native of Philadelphia, PA, and a product of the School District of Philadelphia as he attended Greenfield Elementary School and Bodine High
School for International Affairs.