Christie Parfitt
Christie has served as the principal of Jay Cooke Elementary School since 2020. Under her leadership, Jay Cooke’s percentage of students scoring At/Above on the STAR Assessment has increased 5.8% in English Language Arts and 3.3% in Math. Jay Cooke has also seen an increase in the percent of students attending 90% or more days of school. Jay Cooke received the School District of Philadelphia’s Family and Community Engagement Office’s “School Spotlight” and was recognized by the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network for excellence in school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports. Jay Cooke has also received recognition as the Philly Tribune’s School of the Week
Christie has been an educator since 2010. Prior to becoming a principal, Christie served as a 9th and 10th grade biology teacher, 11th grade chemistry teacher, dean of students, and assistant principal. In 2016, Christie received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers. Christie grew up in Philadelphia, PA.