David McDonough
Dave has served as the principal of St. James School since 2016. Under his leadership, St. James School has increased MAP Reading scores by 22 points. Dave also supports the strong sense of student leadership at St. James by encouraging student participation in the 30 school affiliated enrichment programs. In 2019, St. James School received the “Zones of Peace” award from Interfaith Philadelphia.
Dave has been an educator since 1991. Prior to becoming a principal at St. James School, Dave served as Principal at Pastorius Elementary—Mastery Charter from 2013-2016. Under his leadership, Pastorius Elementary was named a “turnaround” Mastery school, PSSA scores increased in ELA and Math, and Pastorius achieved a top rating from School Progress Reports. Prior to becoming a principal, Dave served as a regional director, assistant dean of students, 9th grade religion teacher, 7th grade ELA/social studies/science teacher, varsity soccer coach, and varsity baseball coach. Dave was an Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) award winner for school-wide academic growth. Dave grew up in Brooklyn, NY.