Emily Myers
Emily now serves as a consultant for Mastery Charter Schools and an adjunct professor at Heidlberg University, Germany. Emily served as the principal of Mastery Charter School – Thomas Elementary from 2016 t0 2020. Serving a diverse student body, Mastery Thomas is proud to provide culturally relevant programming and offer an array of enrichment courses, after-school opportunities, and community partnerships. Recognized by the School District of Philadelphia as one of the top elementary schools in the city for academic growth, Mastery Thomas is also part of the Schools That Can network. The school achieved dramatic increases in mathematics and reading for grades 3-6 on the Pennsylvania System for School Assessment (PSSA). In math, students scoring proficient/advanced increased from 13% in 2015 to 28% in 2018. In reading, students scoring basic or above grew from 75% in 2015 to 88% in 2018. For the 2018-19 school year Mastery Thomas was recognized with the School Progress Report (SPR) Peer Leader Award and received the 2019-2020 Title 1 Distinguished Honors Award from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Emily has been an educator since 2009. Prior to becoming a principal, Emily served as an elementary school teacher, special education case manager, assistant principal of specialized services, and assistant principal of instruction. In fall 2022, she begin a PhD program at NYU in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, participating in the IES-PIRT Fellowship at NYU and assisting with aligned research projects. Emily grew up in Rochester, NY.