Genevieve Endy-O’Kane
Genevieve served as the principal of Stephen Decatur School from 2011 until her retirement in 2023. Under Genevieve’s leadership, from 2017-2018 to s2018-2019 Decatur’s School Progress Report (SPR) scores increased by 13% in Achievement, 6% in Progress, and 28% in Climate. Decatur is recognized on the SPR in the Model category for K-2 Reading on grade level, English Language Learner Access scores, and for English Language Arts (ELA) Growth. On SPR Climate measures, Decatur was a Model for its zero percent out-of-school suspension rate, Annual Student Retention, and Parent Survey Participation (a 65% participation rate and the percentage of positive responses for Decatur was second overall in its Network). Further, Decatur achieved targeted growth on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) in 2018-2019. In ELA, there was a 13% increase for students from 5th to 6th grade and a 7.7% increase for students from 6th to 7th grade. In Math, there was a 10.2% increase for students from 5th to 6th grade. In Text Dependent Analysis (TDA), students achieved an 11% increase for Grade 6, a 28% increase for Grade 7 and a 38% increase for Grade 8.
Decatur was also recognized as a model school for Blended Learning. Decatur was awarded the Blended Learning Grant to obtain Chromebook carts for Grades 3-5 and was then awarded the expansion grant for Grades Kindergarten-2. Most recently, Decatur received a Pennsylvania Department of Education Grant for air conditioning and technology. Consequently, the school was able to install air conditioning units in every classroom, in all three buildings, and in the cafeteria. Additionally Smart Boards were purchased for classrooms in almost all grades. Decatur was also awarded the WHYY grant and the “Leader in Me Grant.”
Genvieve has been an educator since 1985. Prior to becoming principal of Stephen Decatur School, Genevieve served as an assistant principal, instructional reform facilitator, school-based teacher leader, and literacy teacher. She is the first in her family to obtain college and advanced degrees. Genevieve was born and raised in Philadelphia.