Heather Mull Miller
Heather has served as the principal of William H. Hunter Elementary School since 2017. Under her leadership, Hunter achieved a 37.6% increase in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade students scoring in Tier 1 on the AIMSweb Assessments. Hunter K-5 students also experienced an increase of 18.9% in students that met their reading growth goals (from 55.6% to 74.5%), and an 27 point increase from 18% to 45% on the Overall School Progress Report (SPR) score. Additionally, after implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and restorative practices suspensions decreased by 10%. In 2020, 98% of students had zero suspensions.
Heather has been an educator since 2005. Prior to becoming a principal, Heather served as a teacher and School Based Teacher Leader. Heather sits on the School District of Philadelphia’s Opioid Task Force. Heather grew up in Lancaster, PA.