Kimberly Ellerbee
Kimberly has served as the principal of Samuel Powel Elementary School since 2009. Under her leadership, Samuel Powel Elementary has consistently been identified by the School District of Philadelphia as a peer leader for both climate and achievement indicators on the School Progress Report (SPR). Since 2018, the percentage of students performing at proficient or advanced levels on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) in both English Language Arts (ELA) and math has continued to increase. In the last year tested (2019), 67.7% of Powel’s students performed at proficient or advanced levels in ELA (a 13% increase from 2018) and 50% performed at proficient or advanced levels in math (a 7.5% increase. from 2018). Since 2017, the percentage of students at Powel performing at or above proficient has increased by 20% in both subject areas. Further, Powel students continue to maintain high levels of proficiency in Science, with 70.2% performing at proficient or advanced levels in this subject area when last tested (2019). In 2015-16, Powel Elementary was recognized as the second highest performing school in the district for the K-5 grade band. In addition, Powel has secured over $500,00 in grants from PECO to support math and literacy initiatives.
Kimberly received the Robert Poindexter Award for Outstanding Leadership, mentored new and aspiring principals, and serves as a PhillyPLUS host principal for resident principals in training. In addition, Kimberly developed and piloted a highly successful program at Tanners Creek Elementary School in Norfolk, Virginia. Kimberly is a founding board member of the Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders and serves on the Advisory Board for the Commonwealth Association of School Administrators.
Kimberly has been an educator since 1991. Prior to becoming principal at Powel Elementary, Kimberly served as assistant principal, intervention administrator, regional director of instruction, educational consultant, lead academic coach, literacy specialist, reading specialist, and classroom teacher. Kimberly grew up in Philadelphia and attended Philadelphia High School for Girls.