Luis Garcia
Luis has served as the Principal of Alexander K. McClure school since December 2021. Under his leadership, Alexander K. McClure school has seen a 10% increase in reading performance at the highest tier. In addition, regular student attendance of 90+% has risen from a cumulative average of 55% to currently at 62.2%. In regards to PSSA performance, McClure has seen an increase of proficient and advanced scores across all 3 subject areas. According to the most recent Student Well Being Survey and aligned with the school’s vision of dismantling system of oppression in regards to relationships, 84.4% of students agree and/or strongly agree that McClure’s staff do care about their needs.
Luis has been an educator since 1998. Prior to serving as a principal, he served as a Learning Support Teacher, Emotional Support Teacher, Special Education Chairperson, and Assistant Principal. In addition to the School District of Philadelphia, other places of employment have included North Penn School District, Lower Moreland Township School District, and Aspira, Inc. Charter Schools. He received both his undergraduate (Elementary Education and Special Education) and graduate (Educational Administration and Special Education Supervisory) degrees from Saint Joseph’s University. Luis grew up in the North Philadelphia section and is a graduate from Jules E. Mastbaum AVTS HS. He also attended Alexander K. McClure as a student, where he now serves as principal.