Michael Roth
Michael has served as the principal of Olney High School since 2022. Prior to that, he served as the principal of Olney Elementary School (2014-2022). Under his leadership, Olney Elementary School ranked #1 out of 225 Philadelphia district and charter elementary schools in making student academic progress over three consecutive years. In addition, Olney Elementary ranked 6th out of 2,000 Pennsylvania elementary schools in literacy progress over three consecutive years. Olney also ranked 60th (top 3%) out of 2,000 Pennsylvania elementary schools in mathematics progress over three consecutive years.
Michael has been an educator since 2005. Prior to becoming a principal, Michael served as assistant principal, teacher coach, dean of students, and middle/high school social studies teacher. Michael received the Lindback Distinguished Principal Award in 2018 and the City Year Moccasin Award. Michael grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.