Dr. Pauline Cheung
Pauline has served as the principal of Francis Scott Key School since 2016. Under her leadership, Key exhibited substantial double-digit improvements in the 2022-2023 Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment (PSSA) results, achieving a noteworthy increase of +10.7% in English Language Arts (ELA) and +10.85% in Math. Additionally, Cheung recorded a commendable year-over-year growth of 6.9% in 4th-grade Science PSSA data. This adds to a long history of growth, Key having increased its School Progress Report (SPR) Overall scores from 31% in 2016-17 (Watch category) to 61% in 2017-18 (Reinforce category). In 2018-19, the SPR Overall score increased again to 64% and the Progress category also increased, moving from 16% (Intervene) up two categories to 75% (Model). For the 2019-20 school year, Key increased progress by another 8% for a score of 83%. The 2019-20 Climate category score was 91% and has been consistently in the Model category. Additionally, Kindergarten-2nd grade students who are reading on grade level increased by 7% moving from 32% to 39%. In 2018 Key achieved a 21.4% decrease in students scoring Below Basic and a 22.4% increase in students scoring Proficient or Advanced on the 6th grade English Language Arts Pennsylvania System of State Assessment (PSSA). For For the 2017-2018 school year Key received a Certificate of Excellence for Highest School Progress Report Score and Growth in Learning Network 12 from the School District of Philadelphia. Under Pauline’s leadership, Key implemented a breakfast program in the 2017-2018 school year that resulted in increased attendance and breakfast participation. Key has also received the Lang Lang Key of Inspiration Grant that resulted in a Piano Lab for Key students.
Pauline is a 2021 Lindback Award for Distinguished Leadership Honoree. Recently, Key has served as a host school for a site visit for the 2023 National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference, highlighting the school’s work on student and family wellness, bridging classroom and community, family engagement, and outdoor environment.
Pauline has been an educator since 2002. Prior to becoming a principal, Pauline served as Multilingual Manager for the Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs (School District of Philadelphia), ESOL teacher for grades K-6, itinerant ESOL teacher for grades K-12, 6th grade teacher, English language learner school growth specialist, and English teacher for primary grades (K-6) in Hong Kong, China. Pauline grew up in Philadelphia and attended George Washington High School