Susan Rozanski
Susan has served as the principal of Richmond Elementary School since 2012. Under Susan’s leadership, proficient/advanced scores on the Pennsylvania System for School Assessment PSSA increased in English Language Arts (ELA) from 38.9% to 42.8% and in math from 22.6% to 26.7%. In 2017-2018, 50% of students were reading on level – the highest in Network 5. On the School Progress Report (SPR), the Overall score moved from Intervene (2016-2017) to Watch category (2017-2018). On the 2018-2019 SPR, Richmond’s Overall SPR score increased 4 additional percentage points, with a significant improvement in its Climate score (from 47.7% in 2017-18 to 71% 2018-19) moving Climate into the SPR Reinforce category.
In June 2017, Richmond received the Philly Aims Award of Excellence for outstanding support for students with autism. During the 2016-2017 academic year, Richmond implemented a program for school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. In 2018-2019 Richmond received the School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Fidelity of Implementation Award, School partners include Merakey, The Food Trust, Northeast Treatment Center (NET), Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run, Let Me Run, and the Kimmel Center.
Susan has been an educator since 1992. Prior to becoming a principal, Susan served as a teacher and assistant principal. As of 2020, Susan sits on the Principal Advisory Committee for Learning Network 5. Susan grew up in Philadelphia and attended Little Flower Catholic High School.