Tamara Edwards
Tamara serves as an Assistant Superintendent for the School District of Philadelphia. Previously, Tamara served as the principal of Thomas K. Finletter from 2014 – 2021. Under her leadership, Finletter School has accomplished consecutive gains in literacy and school climate. On the 2018-19 School Progress Report (SPR) Finletter increased from 39% to 55% in Overall Progress, improving the school’s status designation to “Reinforce.” In Academic Progress specifically, the school moved to the “Model” designation with 85% of students making appropriate academic gains. In addition, Tamara spearheaded a school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) that successfully promotes appropriate school behaviors and decreased the number of student disciplinary referrals.
Tamara has been an educator since 2002. Prior to becoming a principal, Tamara served as a dean, school-based teacher leader, and 2nd and 4th grade teacher. She received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Principals in 2020. Tamara completed the Aspiring Assistant Superintendent Academy with Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders, sits on the Chief of School Advisory Board and and the Learning Network 7 Advisory Board. Tamara grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Lankenau High School.