Tiffany Holmes
Tiffany serves as the Director of Leadership Development at Skyrocket Educator Training, where she coaches and develops leaders in various school systems in Philadelphia and across the country.
Previously, Tiffany served as Head of Schools for KIPP Philadelphia from 2019 – 2021. In that role, she supervised and coached principals within the KIPP Philadelphia network as well as developed and provided monthly professional development for KIPP assistant principals and principals. Under Tiffany’s leadership, KIPP achieved improvement across all secondary schools, a decrease in violent incidents, an increase in Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) with growth in math and English Language Arts (ELA), an increase in teacher retention, and an increase in student daily average attendance rate. Prior to this role at KIPP, Tiffany was principal of Mastery Charter School’s Clymer Campus. Under her leadership, Clymer increased math state assessment scores by 6%. In addition, 4th grade students increased their science Pennsylvania System for School Assessment (PSSA) scores by 6% and Kindergarten-2nd grade students saw a 12% increase in reading at grade level.
Tiffany has been an educator since 2002. Prior to becoming a principal, Tiffany served as a 2nd and 3rd grade teacher, 6th and 7th grade science teacher, lead teacher, and assistant principal. Tiffany received the Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year award in 2006 and a Community Service Award from the National Association of University Women in 2017. Tiffany grew up in Roselle, New Jersey.