2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellows ‘Dominate’ at Summer Institute Intensive
Members of the 8th Cohort of the Neubauer Fellowship in Educational Leadership, Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders’ flagship program, kicked off their Fellowship experience with a six-day intensive July 15–20, 2024.
Designed to welcome the newest cohort into the Neubauer Fellowship experience, Summer Institute serves to engage cohort members in better understanding the work of the Fellowship and the impact it has.
Nicknamed the “Legendary 8” by the week’s facilitators William Hayes, EdD, CEO of Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia, and Latanya Simmons (2019/Cohort 5 Neubauer Fellow), PASL Program Director, Cohort 8 identified, as per tradition, a catchphrase that represents the spirit of the group: “Cohort 8: We dominate,” often adding, “and appreciate” when reflecting on the Neubauer Fellowship’s tenet of gratitude.
Session topics centered on building community; crafting a Story of Self through which Fellows shared their journey to leadership and the Fellowship and their why, which helps them lead more authentically and effectively; and orienting to the seven Leadership Competencies that, according to research, correlate with school improvement and student achievement and subsequently serve as the foundation of the Fellowship—Adaptive Leadership, Continuous Improvement for Student Success, Equity, Family and Community Engagement, Instructional Leadership, Professional Learning, and Systems and Operations.
“The importance of unpacking your story and applying it to your why will change my practice forever,” said Dana Singletary (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), Principal of Feltonville Intermediate School. “I am ready to apply it to my leadership.”
Summer Institute also included an Opening Dinner, with featured speaker PASL Board Chair and Neubauer Family Foundation Trustee Joseph Neubauer; Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer, Neubauer Family Foundation Trustee and Founder and President of J.P. Lerman & Co., provided comments at a Closing Dinner. The Opening Dinner serves as an introduction to the Neubauer Fellowship’s Dinner with a Decision-Maker series, an important component that provides Fellows with opportunities to learn from various industry leaders who speak from their experiences of leading during real-life situations and challenges, bringing to life PASL’s Leadership Competencies.
“It was powerful to hear Joe’s story and how his story is so similar to the students we serve,” said Yonaira Rodriguez (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), EdD, Principal of Cramp Elementary School. “I am empowered by his commitment to our students and leaders, and when he said they invest in people directly, not in buildings, I understood the purpose of his work.”
Designed to go beyond theory, Summer Institute provides applicable and sustainable skills and resources that can be leveraged to positively impact various school and system communities.
Participants identified a problem of practice—a challenge specific to their community that is impacting practice and outcomes—and planned for the upcoming school year, leveraging the week’s learnings to commit to ways to address their problems of practice and positively impact students.
Sessions were led by a mix of national and local experts, including Summer Institute facilitators Hayes and Simmons; Al Bertani, EdD, renowned expert and consultant in professional development and educational leadership and Senior Design Consultant in the creation of the Neubauer Fellowship; Sheila Brown, EdD, Managing Partner at Strategic Leadership Partners in Education; Shayne Evans, Founder and Managing Partner of The Academy Group, and Alex Seeskin, EdLD, Founder and Executive Director of the To&Through Project at the University of Chicago; PASL Executive Director Edwin M. Quezada, EdD; Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, EdLD, Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools; and Senior Neubauer Fellows Kelly Espinosa (2020/Cohort 6 Neubauer Fellow) and Ariel Lajara (2019/Cohort 5 Neubauer Fellow); and Christie Parfitt (2022/Cohort 7) and Shakeera Warthen-Canty, EdD (2017/Cohort 3). A Senior Fellow panel moderated by Shoshana Tyler Saunderson (2022/Cohort 7) and featuring David Brown (202/Cohort 6); Omar Crowder (2019/Cohort 5); Rodney Johnson (2022/Cohort 7); and Antoinette Powell (2016/Cohort 2) closed out the learning experience.
“Each day I unpacked something new and exciting that I can immediately apply to my school setting,” said Jury Segers (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), EdD, Principal of Imhotep Institute Charter High School. “This extension of family—my Legendary Cohort Family—is going to accelerate my growth as a leader.”
Fellows leave the week inspired, re-energized, and armed with a network of support to drive impact.
“This was the best professional development experience I have ever had,” said Latoyia Bailey (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), EdD, Principal of Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush High School. “I am fueled and impassioned.”
“This was an amazing opportunity for me to refill my cup,” said Alphonso Evans (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), EdD, Assistant Superintendent of School Performance for the School District of Philadelphia. “I have been inspired all week by awesome stories, phenomenal presentations of the work, and exposure to excellence.”
“I gained a family of school leaders in roles that are different from mine, in a variety of schools, with diverse backgrounds and perspectives that will help me grow and understand what I’ve been trying to learn on my own,” said Rosalie Doherty (2024/Cohort 8 Neubauer Fellow), Principal of Holy Cross Catholic School. “I am eager to bring this knowledge and growth to my role.”