At PASL, our Neubauer Fellows are Fellows forever. We offer Senior Fellows focused professional development opportunities, providing continuous learning experiences that build capacity to sustain ongoing student and school growth.

As part of our commitment to lifelong learning and informed by feedback from Senior Fellows on our Practitioner Advisory Committee, we are offering Senior Fellow Institutes, a series of multiple-session learning opportunities that address topics identified by Senior Fellows as relevant, timely, and needed to support their practice. Senior Fellow Institutes seek to balance one-off professional learning opportunities and full-year learning arcs, providing connected learning experiences that complement one another and can be experienced individually or as a sequence.

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Don’t wait. Space is limited and registration will close when each session reaches capacity.


Each Senior Fellow Institute will be presented with full days of learning incorporating at least two sessions. To enhance Senior Fellows’ learnings with a combination of national knowledge and local expertise, we plan to structure the day to feature a national researcher, practitioner, or thought leader in the morning followed by at least one session led by a local expert (and ideally a Senior Fellow).


Senior Fellow Institute sessions will be built around four priority areas that are applicable to all Fellows regardless of school system. Session content will focus on tools to:

  • Accelerate academic achievement
  • Partner with families and community
  • Improve safety and well-being
  • Recruit and retain diverse and highly effective educators

Each day of Institute will be focused on a theme within each of these priorities, with each theme connected to the next throughout the year so that Senior Fellows who attend multiple Institutes can build upon the work from Institute to Institute.

July Senior Fellow Institute: July 24-25

Day 1: Wednesday, July 24*

*Please note, registration for Day 1 is now closed.

Leveraging Your Leadership Team to Reach Your Goals*
Open to Senior Fellows and One Instructional Leadership Team member

The first day of the inaugural Senior Fellow Institute focuses on accelerating academic achievement by focusing on getting the most out of your leadership team. To maximize the impact, Senior Fellows are encouraged to bring along a member of their Instructional Leadership Team!

Throughout the day, we’ll delve into concrete plans and protocols designed to boost both individual and team efficacy, ensuring the successful execution of your instructional plans. Moreover, we’ll equip you with adaptive approaches to navigate the inevitable challenges that arise in school settings. By the end of the session, you’ll walk away armed with technical tools such as defined roles and responsibilities, instructional leadership team meeting protocols, and instructional priorities plans, alongside invaluable adaptive strategies including values alignment, team building, and change management.

Leadership Competency and Skill: Instructional Leadership – Establishes team structures to promote instructional leadership for classrooms, grade-levels, departments, and the school as a whole.

General Objectives:

  • Adopt concrete plans/protocols to develop individual and team efficacy to execute your instructional plan and achieve your goals.
  • Develop adaptive approaches to support your team through unforeseen challenges that schools always face every single year.

Work Products:

  • Adaptive Approaches (values alignment, team building, change management)
  • Technical Tools (roles and responsibilities, ILT meeting protocols, instructional priorities plan)

Day 2: Thursday, July 25

Catalyzing Families to Partner in the Work through Continuous Improvement Strategies
Open to Senior Fellows

Day 2 of Summer Senior Fellow Institute is dedicated to partnering with families. Throughout the day, we’ll guide you through reflecting on and assessing the current state of family engagement at your school, empowering you to strategically plan for continuous improvement to deepen families’ roles within the school community. Moreover, we’ll address barriers to family engagement rooted in bias and deficit thinking, providing you with actionable plans to remove obstacles and enhance family involvement. By the end of the day, you’ll leave with a detailed plan for continuous improvement in family engagement, tailored to your school’s needs and addressing multiple stakeholders. This plan will include professional development initiatives aimed at shifting staff mindsets toward an asset-based frame regarding families, as well as strategies to propel your school toward a higher level on the family engagement spectrum, from compliance to partnership.

Leadership Competency and Skill: Family and Community Engagement – Designs and maintains school governing structures that guarantee family and community participation and deepens school-community relationship.

General Objectives:

  • Reflect on and assess the current state of family engagement at your school and plan for strategic and continuous improvement to deepen families’ role in the school.
  • Reflect on barriers to family engagement that are grounded in bias and deficit thinking and create plans to remove barriers and increase engagement for families.

Work Products: A detailed plan for continuous improvement of family engagement that addresses multiple stakeholders such as:

  • PD to shift staff mindsets regarding families to an asset based frame
  • Strategies to advance your school to a higher level along the family “compliance – engagement – partnership” spectrum

Additional Proposed Dates
October and December 2024
February and April 2025


Contact Program Director Matt Kelley: