Mark Vitvitsky

Mark Vitvitsky

Principal, Bache-Martin Elementary School
School District of Philadelphia
2018 Neubauer Fellow
Grade Level
K - 8th
Student Enrollment
School/Org Neighborhood
M.S.Ed. Secondary Education,Arcadia University
B.A. History and Political Science,Rutgers University
Administrative Certification,PhillyPLUS
"I serve as a principal because I believe that providing a quality education for children is the most important contribution that I can make to my city. A quality education provides children opportunity."

Mark has served as the principal of Bache-Martin Elementary School since 2014. Under Mark’s leadership, the school grew the percent of K-2 students who are on target for literacy and reduced the percent of students scoring below basic in literacy by 5% in academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18. Bache-Martin has been recognized by the School District of Philadelphia Neighborhood Network system for steady increases in achievement on all subject sections on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA).

Mark has been an educator since 2006. Prior to becoming a principal, Mark served as a middle school social studies and ELA teacher and 7th grade lead teacher. Mark grew up in Newark and Summit, New Jersey.